Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yesterday was perhaps the best day of my life. Little Namya slept on my tummy as happy as one can be- the happy one, was me ofcourse. Let me not even try to explain how wonderful it feels to have your child hold your shirt and sleep with no worry in the world.

The little things that she does have now been growing by the day. Her going around the room in the walker, loving her freedom; even though she ends up in circles! Turning on JK or my side of the bed when nature calls at night so that she can keep her bed clean. etc etc etc

That makes me wonder how much our parents will have loved seeing us grow.
It is a pity, really, as we grow up, we start to live only for ourselves. We do spend our time and life with parents, but not as much as we would like to, certainly not how much they would like us to. :(

Thank you dear Ma and Pa. I would be nothing without you. Love you both. Every time you thought Umang would have said this, done that, believe me, I would have. Only that we are not always around. All my love.

To Ma and Pa in Lucknow. Well, what can I say, thank you so much for your daughter, who must have been as small and you would have loved atleast as much as we love Namya. Thank you for JK. She is a sweetheart, all thanks to you. Love you both and the entire family too. To let a daughter go must be the biggest sacrifice ever. You guys have made that with JK and Sheebaee already. Kudos dear parents.

I dread the day when it is time for our little princess to go..


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

It is that time of the year..

Life moves on. The MBA is almost over, but for the Capstone project. There are butterflies, more like hummingbirds in the stomach as the placements are round the corner.

It is such a matter of nerves waiting and deciding what one really wants. If there is one decision to make, it is this. The trade-offs tell you a lot about who you really are, against who you think you are. Philosophical?

JK and I had fun at Madame Tussuad where the wax statues got to meet the real stars. See for yourself how Marilyn Monroe reacts!

We had our Convocation at LBS yesterday. Was fun, well, almost.. Went on well, with Champagne popping and all.. There is the final exams to go though and that's tomorrow.

Pressures of the job hunt and the egg-jams.. wonder how a sweet soul as mine will handle them. Anyhow..

Wish me luck.


Thursday, November 23, 2006

What do you do when you make a mistake? And, what if you mess up with friends? It may not have got ugly, but then, you never know.. and then it is possibility that it has hurt your friendship.

Well, I was at the receiving end. I can always blame it on someone else and say it was so-and-so's fault; which it most probably was.. but then blame game is not what friendships are about.

Accepting the truth and saying a sorry, to me, is better than living with the guilt. The trade-off is just my ego, right and the upside is a lit better..

Sorry Ryan, for misunderstanding you. Happy thanksgiving!

Darn, the MBA and business thinking everywhere.. :)


Sunday, October 29, 2006

How's life?

Not bad at all. The lady of the house is back in India, so it's lonely without her:(.. Otherwise though, life is not bad at all.

More time to study, whenever I take a break from Warcraft III and watching movies.. Surprise, I have started enjoying the studies too. That's true, phew!

One of these days, came across this video that reinforces the belief in the future of our economies. India is as happening a place as any other. Have a look

Mom, Dad, I love you and miss you..

And, yes, Jassie wish you the very best wishes on your wedding from both of us.

Monday, October 02, 2006

National day fireworks- from the Convention centre

We were at the Convention centre two hours before the firework started and were still too late to get the best seats.

The fireworks were quite incredible. Though they did slow down close to the latter half, the end was spectacular!

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