Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yesterday was perhaps the best day of my life. Little Namya slept on my tummy as happy as one can be- the happy one, was me ofcourse. Let me not even try to explain how wonderful it feels to have your child hold your shirt and sleep with no worry in the world.

The little things that she does have now been growing by the day. Her going around the room in the walker, loving her freedom; even though she ends up in circles! Turning on JK or my side of the bed when nature calls at night so that she can keep her bed clean. etc etc etc

That makes me wonder how much our parents will have loved seeing us grow.
It is a pity, really, as we grow up, we start to live only for ourselves. We do spend our time and life with parents, but not as much as we would like to, certainly not how much they would like us to. :(

Thank you dear Ma and Pa. I would be nothing without you. Love you both. Every time you thought Umang would have said this, done that, believe me, I would have. Only that we are not always around. All my love.

To Ma and Pa in Lucknow. Well, what can I say, thank you so much for your daughter, who must have been as small and you would have loved atleast as much as we love Namya. Thank you for JK. She is a sweetheart, all thanks to you. Love you both and the entire family too. To let a daughter go must be the biggest sacrifice ever. You guys have made that with JK and Sheebaee already. Kudos dear parents.

I dread the day when it is time for our little princess to go..



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